Medical Malpractice Lawyer

David Morowitz Providence Medical Malpractice Lawyer
There is rarely a better feeling then when you go to a doctors appointment and hear that everything checks out. Unfortunately, sometimes that is not the truth and because of this people miss treatments that could have prevented pain, suffering, and in some cases even death. But what can you do in these situations? How do you hold the doctor responsible for these issues? The answer is to contact a medical malpractice lawyer. At the Law Office of David Morowitz we have been handling similar cases for decades, and if you contact us, we are ready to get you the assistance that you need.

In this article, we are going to be going over the most common reasons for claims of medical malpractice. If you or a loved one has fallen victim to one of these errors and has a lasting injury, it is important that you contact a Providence Medical Malpractice Lawyer as soon as possible.

Most Common Cases Of Medical Malpractice

It is important to remember that not every case of medical malpractice is going to be tried in court. Whether your case will require the representation is something you should discuss with a Medical Malpractice Lawyer, who will be able to tell you the best course of action for your particular situation.

  1. Misdiagnosis
    If you visit your doctor, and they incorrectly diagnose your heath situation you could be at risk or serious injury or death. You could also be at risk of missing crucial treatments or other factors that could have assisted you in healing. The key to this type of case is that your Medical Malpractice Lawyer must be able to prove that another similarly skilled doctor would not have made the same mistake in your case.
  2. Injuries During Childbirth
    While it is entirely possible for children to be born with spinal injuries, or paralysis it is more likely that these injuries stem from mistakes made my doctors. Examples of these issues would be failing to notice that the umbilical cord has become wrapped around a child’s neck or not responding to signals of distress from the baby. Injuries during childbirth can be difficult to talk about but if you are a loved one has been injured in this manner it is important that they contact a Medical Malpractice Lawyer.
  3. Medication Errors
    Errors involving the wrong type of medication being prescribed is easily the most common occurrence of medical malpractice. This is because it is very simple to make a mistake involving dangerous drug interactions, or simply prescribing the wrong medication in the first place. If you have been injured due the incorrect medication being prescribed contact a medical malpractice lawyer today.

If you live in Providence and have been injured or a loved on has been killed due to the negligence of a doctor, it is important that you contact a Medical Malpractice Lawyer as soon as possible. At the Law Office of David Morowitz, we are available at any time to discuss your case during a free consultation. If you would like to contact us, we can be reached at 401-274-5556.


Are You Suffering as a Result of Common Medical Malpractice Errors?

Even though we are often conditioned to think otherwise, doctors – like everyone else – make mistakes. However, if you are suffering as a result of common medical malpractice errors, the Morowitz Law Firm is pleased to get the money you deserve as a result of these injuries. You should not have to suffer for the rest of your life as a result of common medical malpractice errors, and neither should the doctor that injured you get away with doing so.


What are some of the most common medical malpractice errors that result in a claim?

Medical malpractice is more common than most people think, but there are some common medical malpractice errors that occur more often than not. If you’re suffering as a result of one of the following doctor’s errors, contact us immediately.


  1. You’ve received an overall subpar standard of care. While this term is loosely defined, it’s also the most common of common medical malpractice errors. To put it in simple terms, there is a nationwide industry standard that every healthcare provider must provide to their patients. If that provider falls short, in any way, and you suffer as an end result, hiring an experience medical malpractice law firm like Morowitz Law is the best way to get the justice you deserve.
  2. You’ve suffered as a result of a surgical error. It’s doubtful that your surgeon wanted to deliberately bring you harm, however, conducting surgery is not an easy thing. As such, injuries that arise as a result of a surgical error are another of the most common medical malpractice errors. Whether it’s because your surgical opening didn’t heal properly, or a device was left inside of you, or you were administered an incorrect dose of anesthesia, a trusted medical malpractice law firm like Morowitz Law can help you get the money you deserve for your injuries.
  3. You’ve suffered as a result of medication errors. This is actually another of the most common medical malpractice errors – in fact, more than 1.5 million people are injured as a result of being prescribed either the wrong medication, or the wrong dosage of the correct medication. If this has happened to you, contact us today.


In short, there are a number of ways you can be permanently injured as a result of these errors. Fortunately, the Morowitz Law Firm is pleased to serve as your advocate, so that you can get the justice you deserve and the money you need to pay for the care that you require. For more information about how we can help you obtain a settlement against your doctor for the most common medical malpractice errors, contact us today.