In a time when social media is at everyone’s fingertips, your personal injury claim can be affected by what you say or do on the internet. While it might seem like something small that doesn’t matter, it does. Anything that is online is public, even if it is on Facebook and only to your closest friends or in the privacy setting. This means that judges can make decisions based on your social media accounts in correlation with your claims and other evidence. This might not seem to make sense to most people but in these claims everything matters. Social media will offer insight into your life that they can not get elsewhere. In many views, it is your telling of what is happening in your life. And since you are the one writing it, it is taken as such. But, how can this effect your personal injury claim? You can read more about social media and personal injury cases here.
Negative Posts About the Defendant
You may have heard that you should not say anything if you don’t have anything nice to say. This is a case that holds that true. While it might seem like venting to friends or letting off a little steam, negative posts about the other party in the case make you seem like a hothead or someone who can’t control themselves. There are other negative views that come along with these types of posts, as well. The less you say, the better. In all actuality, the best idea is to stay off social media until your case closes. It may shock you to know what works against you and where the opposing attorneys can acquire it. Nothing on the internet is safe, least of all when an attorney gets ahold of it. You want to try to keep things as civil as possible while your injury claim is still open.
Evidence Against Pain and Suffering Costs
If you are asking for an allotted sum for pain and suffering you want to stay off social media. Something as simple as going out to enjoy dinner can be twisted and used against you. Going for a walk or a trip to the gym can almost certainly influence your case and most likely for the worse. This is why posting things on social media is dangerous when you have a pending personal injury claim. Pain and suffering costs tend to deal with emotional distress. Because of that, any post that doesn’t show you in pain or suffering is a blow to that front. Even posts that do mention hard times can be twisted and misconstrued. There is a possibility that the opposing attorney will say that they are fabricated and oppose them with something that will make you seem fake. If that tactic works, it could blow your entire case.
Evidence Against Physical Injury Costs
If your personal injury claim states that you acquired physical injuries, social media posts could be the closing argument the opposing attorneys need. Something like talking about taking a walk or sitting at work all day could count against you. Even something that sounds like a complaint can work against you. You have to be very careful about what you post and how you say it. It is much easier to keep your posts to a minimum. Anything that you want to say to someone is something that needs to be in person or on the phone, not on social media. You don’t want to take the chance that something you say can be something you say the wrong way or you share something that is incriminating. It could be the difference between winning and losing your case.
Social media has a great affect on your personal injury claim. You do not want to lose it all because of something you said online, so you should try to stay silent as long as you can. It can be very hard to know what you can and can not say. It is even harder to know what can work against you. Whether you are posting something you feel or an article you read, it could still end up biting you in the end. This isn’t a chance you want to take; there is far too much that hangs in the balance. You could end up losing the entire case over something as minor as meeting friends for a drink or having dinner with family. If you think that staying away from social media is to hard a task, ask your attorney what you can’t say. They will be able to give you advice about what you need to steer clear of and how you can keep your posts benign. You can ask questions and start your search here.