Sexual harassment has been a part of Hollywood for decades. Although people knew it happened, no one talked about it. However, things changed. Recently, the Hollywood sexual harassment scandal made people speak up about the harassment. A flood of Hollywood sexual harassment victims spoke up about their mistreatment. By speaking up about it, they opened the doors for victims. Now, there are even more resources available for Hollywood sexual harassment victims.
How Have Things Changed?
It all started with a few accusations. For one, there’s the testimony of Ashley Judd. The actress was one of the first to come forward about Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein. When she was a young actress, Judd received an invitation to a breakfast meeting at Weinstein’s hotel. She expected a sit-down at the hotel restaurant. However, she was sent up to Weinstein’s room. When she got there, he was waiting for her in a bathrobe. He asked her if he could watch her shower or if she would massage him.
As more and more accusations came out, it became apparent that there were many Hollywood sexual harassment victims. The film industry has made billions of dollars, but much of that money was at the expense of harassment. Although it’s been going on for decades, people only started to talk about it recently. Most of the women felt that their voices would not be heard.
Now, people feel more comfortable telling the world about their experiences. As a result, the world is changing. For one, a California senator is proposing legislation that would ban secret payouts in workplace harassment situations. Many men in Hollywood got away with harassment because of secret payouts. By banning them, California would start the fight against sexual harassment. There’s no guarantee that the law will pass, but it’s a step forward.
Changes in Hollywood
Other changes are happening, specifically in Hollywood. For example, the chief of Lucasfilm asked for the creation of a commission to regulate sexual harassment and assault on the industry as a whole. The commission would help Hollywood sexual harassment victims and prevent incidents.
Another change involves boardroom behavior. Currently, there is an effort to include more women on boards. There is also an attempt to change the way that men behave towards women in the boardroom. Although it could take a great deal of time for change to occur, it’s another step forward.
The Resources
There are many resources available for Hollywood sexual harassment victims. In a new project, producer Cathy Schulman launched a sexual harassment help line. If Hollywood sexual harassment victims need help, then they can call the line. They also can take advantage of a legal-aid service to learn how to get justice for the harassment.
For workplace harassment, you should consider visiting the U.S. Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission website. On the website, you can find resources that specifically relate to workplace harassment.
If you suffered from any kind of sexual assault, then you can call the National Sexual Assault Hotline. When you call, you can get confidential support. The staff is trained and can help you find a local facility to treat you. Additionally, they can help you find a place to go for a forensic exam. Sometimes, just talking helps. You can speak to the staff member and share your story. If you plan to speak to a lawyer, the hotline can prepare you to speak out loud about your incident. Often, victims have a hard time speaking up about what happened. The hotline is a good first step towards being open about it.
Although you might not realize it, you might also have many local resources to help you get through your harassment. You can find local resources through the national hotline. Or, you can search for them yourself. You might be surprised by how much help is available. Wherever you live, you’re not alone. There is help available. If you know where to look, then you can get the help you need.
Actions for Hollywood Sexual Harassment Victims
While it is beneficial to take advantage of all the resources for sexual harassment victims, it’s more important to take legal action. Now is the time to speak up about your incident. With the Weinstein scandal at the forefront of the news, people are on the lookout for more Hollywood harassment. Additionally, judges are taking the incidents more serious than ever.
If there was ever a time to seek justice for your harassment, then now is that time. Any type of sexual harassment is against the law. Depending on your situation, you might be able to take your case to court. You should speak to a lawyer and find out your next step. With his help, you may be able to get justice for your treatment. He can evaluate your case and help you come up with a strategic plan.